Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Piazza S. Prospero- Visiting the Lions

The children of Reggio Emilia take walks throughout the city and make observations of the sites they see around them. One site of interest is the Piazza S. Prospero. There resides a series of lion statues that guard the facade of a large church. In 1987, Reggio educators published a documentary entitled, To Make a Portrait of a Lion.  The video documented the children's exploration and research of the stone statues.

Today we wandered through the sights and shops of the city until we came across the majestic beasts. 

These iconic statues are a highlight of the trip and are located in the city center which means there is no shortage of shopping and delicious foods!

1 comment:

  1. The photos I viewed days ago now have more meaning once I read this blog post. I do hope you will blog about the rest of your experiences in Reggio Emilia
